Official blog of Erotica Author Nenah Weston

E-Mail nenahweston (at) gmail (dot) com ~ Follow Twitter @NenahWeston

Monday, June 16, 2014

The Waiting is the Hardest Part

I've made it a goal to blog more often, regardless if I have any news to share. If you've read previous posts, you know I have my first release with Ellora's Cave coming. I don't have a specific date set, but recently I did work with my editor on the cover, so that's a good sign that things are moving along. I have an idea in mind for the follow-up story, to be called Detox, which I intend to make hotter than the first. It will be a menage, like Where There's Smoke, and just as intense. If not more.

In the meantime, I'm trying to read but have had difficulty focusing. Don't you hate it when you invest time in a book, get halfway through it and just have to put it down? That's happened to me recently. It wasn't a romance, but I love all books and hate to leave a read unfinished. In a clearer state, I may go back and try again.

I've seen the news that Casey Kasem passed away, and I find it sad. I understand there were familial disputes with regards to his end of life care, and while it's sad to see him go one could take comfort that his wishes were fulfilled. In the end he wasn't kept alive by artificial means. I would hate to spend my last days hooked up to a machine - I hope it happens quickly and painlessly. My condolences to his family - he was my Dick Clark. I discovered rock music through Casey's radio shows, so now he's doing the countdown in Heaven.

Speaking of music, I should find some and get writing. :)

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Wicked Nights Giveaway Hop

Alpha Male Madness Hop
Visit the other blogs in the Wicked Nights Giveaway Hop!

I'm so excited to participate in my first ever hop! My name is Nenah Weston and I am sort of new to writing and publishing. I am thrilled to have a short story coming out with Ellora's Cave as part of their Exotika line. Where There's Smoke is a naughty threesome about very friendly neighbors, and if you're in the mood for an awesome, sexy quickie I hope you'll pick it up.

Please bookmark my site to check up on me and find out the release date of Smoke. In the meantime, as part of the hop I'm giving away $10 in credit to Amazon, B&N, or ARe to one random commenter below. Just tell me what your favorite menage combination is - I plan to write a few. ;-) Please be 18 or over to win.

Thanks for stopping by and good luck!

Monday, April 28, 2014

Contract News! #EllorasCave

I suppose it is safe to announce now, since I have signed the contract and it's in the mail: I have accepted a contract with Ellora's Cave Publishing! My short, Where There's Smoke, will be released under their Exotika line. It is an FFM menage with other variations. It is the first of many stories I hope to have published.

I am thrilled to be part of the EC group. I've read their books for years, and I'm planning something even hotter for them next time!